About 30 min after we were home and had eaten lunch, Lance calls me and said the school nurse just called and they think Tai broke his finger. (He was at Camp) Lance just laughed and said he would be right there. Laugh you say? Yes, cause this is our crazy, though sometimes entertaining life. So he called back the doctor and told them he was coming in again. Kenzie finally peed so he took the urine sample with him.
We he got to Tai, his finger looked like this-
I left to meet them at the Doctor. I told Parker to please find a room and just play x-box for the rest of his life. He just laughed at me. :)
At the doctor all the nurses where glad to see us back :) the doc came in and said "Where's the calm family?" We just laughed and said we just aren't really surprised at this, after the year we have been having. We do things the crazy way in our house. She just couldn't believe Lance and I weren't freaking out and why Tai wasn't crying. She said she had a twelve year old in last week with a thumb out that was just bawling like a baby.
They X-Ray'd it and found that it was fractured right at the growth plate bone so they didn't want to touch it. SO.. they sent us to a Hand specialist. Yes another Specialist in 2 months.
He told us it was indeed broken and if we thought he could handle it (he gave us a look like it hurts like hell just so you know) he needed to re set it or he could do surgery in a couple of days. Tai got sort of panicked. They gave him a shot in his finger which made me cry. Then it was all numb. He came back and re set it in under 5 seconds and wrapped it up all nicely and told us if he bumps it he Will have to do it all again AND surgery to put a couple pins in. He will check it again in a week and put a hard cast on it. The are just concerned about this little finger cause its right on his growth plate and he is still growing. :)
Now Tai is banished to the X-Box room forever. :) Jk
I am so proud of this kid! He has been through a lot in two months. Good thing it happened this week and not last week or he wouldn't have been able to Swim in his meet. I Love this kid!!!
P.S. Kenzie's urine came back normal, so we still don't know what's wrong with her. But she's all fine and sassy normal today!! :)