Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jace turns ONE! (In January)

I hate how fast the first year goes! :(

With Great-Grandma Nuttall

Happy Boy!

Can you see the bruises? Almost a daily occurrence when he learned to move.
None of my other kids ever found the toilet. This kid darts towards the bathroom door if left open.

His curly locks that Lance wouldn't let me cut. After it was looking mullet-ish we just had to.

I love this picture!
My wonderful mother in law made his birthday cake because I had pneumonia and was just miserable! It turned out so cute!
All about Jace:

He LOVES food! He is ALWAYS hungry and will eat anything you put in front of him!

He loves the bath and swimming.

He loves to dance.

He loves to play video games with his brothers. Heaven help me.

He loves cars, balls and monster trucks.

He learned how to turn around on the stairs. And also to throw things down the stairs.

He is a perfect sleeper! Since two months old!

He is very smart!

Loves to be outside or doing anything the other 3 are doing!

Can say: Mom, Dad, Tai, Parter (parker) ball, GO. Yeah, Book, Please, Ash, Dog

Gives kisses and hugs!

We love our Jacer to pieces!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Here are 3 of Kenzie's dances - sorry to bore you but she is just soooooo cute!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dancing Kenzie!

I am trying to upload videos of Kenzie's dance recital but it wont work, so until I can get Lance to do it, you'll just have to see pictures of our sassy little diva!

Kenzie, Emilie and Gaby! We wish Brenika could have danced with us!

She was SO excited to get a flower from Grandpa!!
I'm afraid she loves dancing and so we are in it for the long haul and according to my friend, its not a cheap hobby/sport! :)

Christmas 2011

Our annual Christmas dinner at Sundance with Dad and JoAnn! Love them!!

Christmas Jammies! My mom gave all the kids "Nice" pajamas and all the adults got some that said Naughty!
Tai's note and 14 cookies to Santa! He kills me!

Our little Mary!
Christmas eve and Grandpa and Grandma Lambs! Small nativity this year!

Christmas morning! I would call it a success!

Parker turns 6!

Birthday treats at school! He wanted to wear the crown this year! :)

Building and racing lego cars

Wild bunch!

My cute boy!

Happy Birthday Parker!!
What we love about our Parker Jay:

-ALWAYS says thank you to me for meals, when I help him with anything, new toys or treats, etc. He is such a sweetheart.

-All the babies (nieces, nephews, cousins) LOVE him. He is very patient with all of them.

-He has a great imagination and I often find him acting out different scenes from star wars or Mario or other movies.

-He loves to do his homework! He loves math and reading! I hope it lasts!

-He always finishes his meals and stays up to the table the entire time! Good manners!

I love how far he has come in just over a year and a half! He has grown up so much! (sniff, sniff)

Saturday, January 21, 2012