Monday, October 13, 2008

Its been awhile since I've done any posts! Though I don't know that anyone looks at our blog anymore! : )
I was tagged by Katie so here it goes:

My 8 Favorite TV Shows:
That 70's Show
The Office
Grey's Anatomy
The Cosby Show (reruns)
The Soup
I don't watch a lot of TV

8 Favorite Restaurants:
Chef's Table
Joe Vera's

8 Things that Happened Yesterday:
I made an appt to get my STUPID IUD OUT!!! YAY
Helped my mom with her blasted peaches. haha
Went to Roberts for a frame
Returned an item of clothing. : )
Uploaded pictures for my sister, but couldn't get it to work
Searched online for a book Tai wants for his birthday
Looked online for ideas for Tai's birthday cake next week. Its going to be awesome!
Helped my baby girl try to poop! ALL DAY

8 Things I Look Forward to:
Oct 28th -Getting my IUD out, cause it makes me such a pleasant person. : ( Ask Lance he could tell you stories of my outrage. : ) I just can't wait!
Fridays-cause Lance never has to work them!!
My feet rubs from Lance
Getting my haircut on Wednesday.
Tai's birthday next week, He's going to be six!
Halloween-its the first year I am going to dress up.
Sleep- I am worn out
The Cruise we are going on in Jan or Feb!

8 Things I Love about Fall:
Pretty Leaves
BYU Football
Tai's Birthday
Holiday Parties
Crafts with my mom
Hot chocolate and Soup
Fun Decorations

8 Things on My Wish list:
My Sanity back
For my kids to be healthy and happy this winter
My back to feel better
To find somewhere to move
New clothes would be fun
Did I mention money? :)

8 People I am Tagging:


Andrea said...

I had a lot of fun reading your post! :)

Monica said...

What are you dressing up as? Gavin and I will probably dress up this year for the first time too!

Cheryl Meibos said...

What are you talking about "nobody reads my blog"...I stalk your blog all the time:)

marci and josh said...

I read your blog too! Happy Birthday to Tai next week. Let me know where you find a good cake decorating website.

Lamb Family said...

I am glad to see you are back to the blogging world! We missed you guys at the tailgate last week! You better be at the next tailgate or you will officially be taken off the invite list!

Lance said...

"Nobody reads my blog" should be interpreted as "no one leaves any comments" - Lance

Mandi said...

Hey, we still come and check out your blog all the time! Your family is so cute!

Katie said...

I'm surprised you returned an item of clothing. HAHAHA