Monday, January 28, 2008

Tairen's Mind

(Lance Posting)
The other day as I was driving the boys home (Kristi had a girls night out) that new John Mayer song was on the radio. I shut off the car and Tairen says "Dad, why is he talking to a sandwich?"

Completely lost I asked him what he was talking about. "Dad, the guy on the radio was talking to a sandwich - he said 'sandwich you need to saaaayyy, sandwich you need to saaaayyy'"!!!

I'll try and keep track of them, but he has a ton. This morning when he was waiting for me to fill the tub, he sat on his stool and it managed to slide out from under him - imagine his face as he gradually slides away from the wall, upside down, and ends up with his legs over his head. I couldn't stop laughing even though he hit his head on the tile after it slid down the wall. It's a good thing the good times outshine the tough ones.


Unknown said...

Where do these kids come from? Where is Super Nanny when you need her?

Monica said...

I need to hear that song so I can hear the lyrics for myself hehe too funny!

Katie said...

I love that kid, he's so smart. I wish they could all stay small and funny... but soon he'll be all old and annoying! HAHAHAHAHa i'm kidding, he'll never be annoying!!!! He's your child!