(Lance Posting)
My Valentine is wonderful at validating my many attempts to prove my love. Valentine's Day doesn't happen to be either of our strong days - but we did go to lunch together without the boys. Kristi made sure to hang up some hearts with love notes for our two boys - I'll have to spoil our little girl on Valentine's day and Kristi can continue to spoil or boys - until they don't think that is appropriate anymore. She even had plates with hearts and a red table cloth when I brought pizza home for dinner. I'd post a picture of Kristi doing something amazing, but she doesn't think the pictures of her after she births children are "attractive" so I'll forgoe those pictures.

She's a wonderful mother, a thoughtful and caring wife, and she always thinks of me first. You'll never catch her dead wearing red - unless Tony pays her off. She'll never cheer for Utah - even it it helps BYU get a national championship berth. She comes up on the mountain, even though she can't breath. She'll cook eggs for Parker, even though she wants to vomit. She'll let me play Halo - even when she can't stand it. But I can't watch Southpark - and I'm glad. I have to clean up my crap about once a month - because she can only tolerate it piling up for that long (maybe one day I'll learn to keep it picked up). She'll go places and do things she doesn't really want to, but then thanks me for "making" her go. But best of all, she makes us into family, and makes our apartment feel like home. I don't look forward to the 3-5 days she will be in the hospital again, because I could never be a dad on my own.