Saturday, February 7, 2009

You've got to be kidding me!!!

Guess what!!! Its not over!! You know,the never ending weirdness of the evil sick monster that has hit our house. Tai just came running in from his room half asleep and puked all over he floor, steps away from the bathroom. I just sat there and watched and yelled ( not at him) NO NO NO, WHY WHY WHY!!???! Then I got tears in my eyes and almost started crying, followed by immediate laughing. Seriously!?! This cannot be happening!
Yesterday Lance was on the couch all day, couldn't move a muscle and Kenzie was up from 3:30-6:00 AM throwing up every 10 minutes. I am not making this up, we timed it.

We cant figure out what it is or how to get rid of it. I have washed everyones beds more than a dozen times, and have Lysoled every inch of our house. Not exaggerating there either. I am going CRAZY!!! You want to know the last time no one was sick at our house? January 13th. That's right almost a whole month.
I haven't gotten any of it which means I probably will this coming weekend when I am supposed to be enjoying the glorious sunshine of Mexico!!!

I apologise for those visitors who have come to say hi or get help with Taxes. I am deeply sorry if you get sick. I have assumed week after week that we are in the clear, but nooooooooooo. Such luck hasn't come our way! : )

Anyways, thanks for letting me vent! I have needed someone to talk to! : ) Now excuse me while I go start my #47 load of laundry of PUKE FEST 2009.


Katie said...

Ooooooooooooh man Kristi... that makes me laugh, and at the same time feel so sorry for you! I'm SO GLAD I stayed home to do laundry this week and not come over... I just hope Trent doesn't get it, but he does have a sinus infection! GRRRR hahaha Hope Mexico clears it all up for you! But... you'll probably get sea sick.. HAHAHA

marci and josh said...

I'm so sorry you guys are sick. I hate when it feels like it is never ending. The worst part is when you get sick, and there's not a sick day for moms. I hope you are healthy for Mexico. I wish i were going with you.

Chad & Angela Nuttall said...

That's horrible! I'm so sorry that things are sucky, that's no fun at all!!! You are in much need of a relaxing vaction with no puking children!! (or you for that matter).

Monica said...

I hate these season with all the sicknesses going around. I am so sorry you got hit with the flu twice! Hopefully it goes away for good this time!

Anonymous said...

Bet you're glad you didn't just have octuplets!!! You are going to end up in the nut least you will get to see Uncle John....ha...ha...

Whatcott said...

We just started getting it here at our house too, so I know how you feel. Don't you know that getting sick before a trip with kids is a rule. :( So sorry.