Thursday, April 9, 2009

Out of Order

We don't have the Internet right now. And my Camera died. So blogging wont be happening for awhile. Maybe just bits and pieces if I do something at my mom's. Not that anyone was ever hanging on our every word. : )

What you've missed-

I turned 29. Yay!! Besides the wonderful dinner my husband took me to, the actual day was kinda disappointing. I wished more of my friends remembered. : ( I know I'm 29 and shouldn't care but I did. hahaha

Makenzie turned ONE. She's walking and talking and getting into everything and bugging her brother on a daily basis and we love her to pieces. I'll have to have my sister post some pictures on her blog.

Tai did not win the contest :( Some girl who didn't know the words won. I guess she knew more people! : ) Thank you to all that voted for him.

My youngest brother Ross put in in his mission papers. Dun dun dun

My grandma had a heart attack and triple bypass surgery :( But she's doing great now!

My beautiful sister in law had another beautiful girl. And I got to watch her birth!

My other beautiful sister in law found out she was pregnant while the Dr's were about to take out her gall bladder. It was an ectopic pregnancy. :( She's doing good now. She REALLY wanted her gall bladder out!

Parker is still stubborn!!! : ) I am pulling out all the stops.....

We had another weird sickness a couple of weeks ago. I was at the Dr with Kenzie for two hours while they did every test for her 103.8 fever. They found nothing and she is fine now but we were both very sad that day.

I still am angry at the weather!! I need Sunshine!!!

Can't think of anything else at the moment, but there is always something!!

I need a good girls night out!!! Anyone up for one??? I miss people!!! : )


Rebecca said...

Well I know I've been hanging on every word. We should get together sometime. I'm big on doing playdates these days.

Katie said...

I'm always up for a girls night out.... yo! Really, I want to get my craft on and do something crafty.... let's plan a day and then get our husbands to take the children!

Andrea said...

Me too :) !! maybe after Jamaica so my husband can watch my kids....hahahaah! Kristi and Katie...we need to go to the fabric store and get those things that we let me know when it would be a good day for all of us to go together:)!

Amber Ferran said...

I saw your mom on Friday! It was awesome, oh how I've missed your mom. And I miss YOU!

Lamb Family said...

I want a girls night! I have been missing you, it has been forever since I have seen you! You should come over this week, Ty would love to see Tai!

Frampton Family said...

It sounds like you're in need of a Joe's outing with the girls. You up for it? Cute post!

marci and josh said...

Happy Birthday to you and Makenzie! Sorry I'm a little late. I hope your Grandma is ok, and that Tai didn't win he should have. I am always available to hang out. Josh is always trying to get me to do something outside the house, but I don't get out much.

Ben and Stephanie Taylor said...

what a fun, busy life! I hear you on the stubborn kids thing. let me know if you find anything that works!